School Advisory Council

We are actively seeking members for the school advisory council. The advisory council serves the Principal and Pastor in an advisory capacity. The School Advisory Council will represent the parishioners, parents, and PSR families. We welcome thoughts, ideas, and concerns. The council shall be pro-active in seeking initiatives and programs that benefit the school, students, families, and staff. School Advisory Council members are good ambassadors to the school and parish communities. The term of the council member will be two years, with the ability to serve a second term if selected.

The advisory council will meet quarterly to discuss matters of business and will meet at other times of the year as planned by council, if necessary for event planning in collaboration with the PTO (Parent Teacher Organization).

If you have an interest in serving on the St. Gerard Advisory Council, please submit a letter of interest to Mrs. Schoonover. This letter should explain why you are interested in serving on advisory council, what you believe you can bring to the committee, and any past experiences you have serving in similar roles. This can be emailed to or mailed to 1311 N. Main Street, Lima, Ohio 45801.